Author List

Allain, Joanne Klepeis ABOUT AUTHORRtI: The Forgotten Tier

Ames, Alexandra ABOUT AUTHORPendulum of the Sun

Armstrong, Milena ABOUT AUTHORRelative Evil



Boeve, Eunice ABOUT AUTHOR

Britton, Vickie ABOUT AUTHOR

Brown, W. David ABOUT AUTHORSnoozby and the Great Big Bedtime Battle

Carkhuff, Sam Jr. ABOUT AUTHORRanch Race, The

Carter, Ann L. ABOUT AUTHORSpiders from Heaven

Chapel, Jamie Moore ABOUT AUTHORWhat’s Different…What’s the Same?

Clark, Kallie ABOUT AUTHORDecoding College: Stories, Strategies, and Struggles of First-Generation College Students

Collins, G.M. ABOUT AUTHORShadow of Ireland

Cooper, Jennifer Wilson ABOUT AUTHORFour Seeds

Cralle, Terry ABOUT AUTHORSnoozby and the Great Big Bedtime Battle

Creed-Dikeogu, Gloria ABOUT AUTHORBread! Bread! Bread!

Cuthbertson, Jennifer R. ABOUT AUTHORFriends Surprise Friends

Duncan, Mary ABOUT AUTHORI Love You…Anyway

Ebbers, Susan M. ABOUT AUTHOR

Eberhardt, Nancy Chapel ABOUT AUTHOR


Englebright, Allen ABOUT AUTHORTimber Rattlesnakes Live in Trees: A Collection of Old Codger Humor Stories

Ferguson, Sean (Commander USN, Ret.) ABOUT AUTHORDying Is a Hard Thing to Do: Cancer and American Medicine

Fox, Owen ABOUT AUTHORGolden Messages of Abundant Joy and Celebration

Froggett, Patricia Dowling ABOUT AUTHORResistance to Learning: How People Cope with Perceived Threats

Hegg, Chris ABOUT AUTHORAncient Universal Language of Man: Deciphering Petroglyphs

Henrikson, Jerilynn ABOUT AUTHOR

Holland, Susan ABOUT AUTHOR


Horn, Whitney ABOUT AUTHORNo Right Answers

Jackson, Deb ABOUT AUTHORMaggie Mae’s Hare-Brained Day

Jackson, Loretta ABOUT AUTHOR

Kelly, J.N. ABOUT AUTHORFields Apart

Kelly, Kathleen Freeman ABOUT AUTHORThe Traveling Herding Teacher

Keyes, Mark Allan ABOUT AUTHOR

Kollman, Grant ABOUT AUTHORI Get to Be Me

Krausman, Dr. Faith ABOUT AUTHOR101 ‘Tails’ of a House Call Veterinarian

Kross, J.E. – The Crossings

Laubhan, Ellen ABOUT AUTHORThe Empress’ Gift: The Volga Frontier

Lewis, Kevin “Salt Rocc” ABOUT AUTHORBorn and Raised in the Streets of Compton

MacDonald, Julie ABOUT AUTHORThe Evolution of the Spirit of Mankind: The Eighty-Second Regime of Light Workers

Magdalene, Anne ABOUT AUTHORTools for Spiritual Healing

McManis, Dylan ABOUT AUTHORThe God Tournament (The Ragnarok Chronicles, Book 1)


Milleville, Lynnette Rau ABOUT AUTHORHear my Voice

Milne, D.J. – The Crossings

Morgan, Dave ABOUT AUTHORAfterwords: 75 Everyday People Answer 15 Common Questions About the Afterlife

Reichenthal, Chip ABOUT AUTHOREven the Dead Won’t Tell You the Truth

Reider, Barbara ABOUT AUTHORWhat Is … What If: Passion and Possibilities in Educational Reform


Scarinzi, Chip ABOUT AUTHOR

Smith, Dean Halliday ABOUT AUTHORThe Wastage

Stephenson, Alex ABOUT AUTHOR

Sweenie, Susan ABOUT AUTHORGirls Don’t Take Karate

Teles, Valeria ABOUT AUTHORFit for Joy: Fitness of the Heart

Toft, Kris ABOUT AUTHORAustralian Shepherds of the Mountain West: Preserving the History of this Unique Line of Aussie Herding Dogs!

Traore, Oumou ABOUT AUTHORHow to Teach Reading Skills to Students with Disabilities: A Simple Approach for All Ages

Vest, Bob ABOUT AUTHORThe Traveling Herding Teacher



List of Illustrators and Photographers

Almada, Biracial – Murphie and the Meerkat

Battis, Gwen –

Crow, Katie – Ranch Race, The

Dister, Jillian –

Dixon, SaVanna –

Godbey, Cory –

Hand, Bryan – Timber Rattlesnakes Live in Trees: A Collection of Old Codger Humor Stories

Hawkins, Kristen – I Love Gloves and Rollie Pollie Review

Kahn, Patty –

Kirch, Kathleen – I Love You … Anyway

Lies, Gregory – My Two Great Great Aunts

Lucas, Margeaux – Snoozby and the Great Big Bedtime Battle

Messing, Dave –

Ohnesorge, Karen – Bread! Bread! Bread!

Osborn, Traci –

Peterson-Shea, Julie –

Pohl, Jessie – Big Brutus, the Kansas Coal Shovel

Rooney, Mike –

Singh, Vikrant – I Get to Be Me

Stephenson, Alex ABOUT AUTHOR