Loretta Jackson, Vickie Britton

The Curse of Senmut

eBook, Softcover
(18 customer reviews)

The Curse of Senmut (Book 1 of The Ardis Cole Series)

Mystery writers and sisters, Vickie Britton and Loretta Jackson, are co-authors of more than 40 mysteries, suspense, and western novels, plus numerous short stories, and the adventure continues in their first edition of The Ardis Cole Series: The Curse of Senmut. Good clean reading for all!

Book is also available through Amazon and BN or ask for it wherever books are sold. The ebook version of this book can be ordered through Amazon.



The Curse of Senmut (Book 1 of The Ardis Cole Series)

“… superbly crafted and entertaining mystery adventure …”
— Midwest Book Review

Outside a small village near the Valley of the Kings, archaeologist Ardis Cole arrives in Egypt to help excavate a tomb recently discovered by her mentor, Jane Darvin. When Jane is murdered, Ardis must assume responsibility for the project. 
With the help of mysterious Blake Lydon, she must unravel the tomb’s mystery—an ancient secret concerning two miniature obelisks of gold hidden by Queen Hatshepsut’s love, Senmut, over 2000 years ago. 
As Ardis uncovers the ancient mystery, she finds herself drawn into a modern action tale of hatred, murder, and revenge.

This first book in The Ardis Cole Series is set in the exotic location of Egypt, near the Valley of the Kings. Archaeological exploration and excavation has been on the rise in this area since the end of the eighteenth century. Here tombs and ancient buildings are encased within the mountains and are decorated with scenes from Egyptian mythology that give clues to the mysteries of the ancient royal figures.

Each book in The Ardis Cole Series takes place in an exotic location. The authors have travelled to such places as Peru, Russia, Egypt, China, and Australia in preparation for this series.

Book is also available through Amazon and BN or ask for it wherever books are sold. The ebook version of this book can be ordered through Amazon.

About the Authors

 Vickie Britton and Loretta Jackson are not only experts in researching the setting for their novels; they also travel to the location to get a sense of the local scenery and to learn more about the culture. Britton holds a degree in British Literature and has taken courses in forensics and criminal justice. Jackson, a graduate of K.U., has taught English and Creative Writing at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota and at Mission Valley near Eskridge, Kansas. Both authors reside in Kansas.

Britton and Jackson are available for book signings and book club discussions.

Website on Facebook: www.facebook.com/VickieBrittonAndLorettaJackson

Additional information


Loretta Jackson, Vickie Britton



Trim size

5.5″ x 8.5″

Page count



• Mystery & Detective
• General
• Women Sleuths
• Cozy / General

Books by author

• The Curse of Senmut (Book 1)
• Unmarked Grave (Book 2)
• The Crimson Masquerade (Book 3)
• Murder and the Monalet Ruby (Book 4)
• The Destruction of Neva (Book 5)
• Killer of Eagles (Book 6)
• The Pirated Emerald (Book 7)
• Consider Me Dead (Book 8) Coming soon!


eBook, Softcover

18 reviews for The Curse of Senmut

  1. Vintage Gal

    Great Read – I have read all 10 of the The High Country series these two authors wrote. And I enjoyed them so much I decided to try this series too. Especially fun since I love archaeology mysteries set in Egypt. Look forward to the rest of the books in this series.

  2. M. Siedzik

    Great story! I enjoyed the book very much. I really like that there is no profanity or sex scenes in it. It is safe for young teens and us ole folks that do not like that in the stories we read.

  3. P.S. Winn

    Oh the curses we find in this great read! I found this mystery interesting and engaging. When Ardis heads to meet her mentor Jane Darvin, she finds the fellow archaeologist very sick. Rushing Jane to the hospital, Ardis is devastated when the woman dies, This is when the mystery involving ancient Egypt begins and readers are taken on an amazing ride that is hard to walk away from. The authors did a great job with history and the feel of archaeological dig. I think readers are going to be fascinated by this tale.

  4. Stephanie Parker McKeanon

    History and Legend Mixed to Perfection – When Ardis Cole is summoned to the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, Egypt, by friend and famous Egyptologist Dr. Jane Darvin, the last thing she expects is to find Jane unconscious and possibly dying. Jane wants Ardis to become her assistant in studying Senmut’s tomb because she trusts no one else.

    Has Jane been deliberately poisoned? Or is it, as some believe, the curse of Senmut: “Death will devour he who disturbs the eternal rest of Senmut.”

    Vickie Britton and Loretta Jackson’s “The Curse of Senmut” is so vividly written that one can feel the unrelenting power of the sun and smell the desert dust. Adding to the fascination of the book, it meshes with historical fact. Queen Hatshepsut’s dream was to have her master architect (also her lover) Senmut erect obelisks of gold. Senmut made an expedition to Punt and returned with gifts for the queen he loved. Was gold among those gifts? If so, what happened to the fabulous treasure? Because when Dr. Jane Darvin discovers Senmut’s tomb, it is reportedly empty. Was Thutmose III who so wantonly destroyed every trace of Queen Hatshepsut guilty, or was the theft more recent? Is that why Jane sent for Ardis?

    What happened to Jane’s missing baby? Why does journalist Faye Morris hate Jane so much that she uses paper power in an attempt to ruin what time and unknown enemies have left intact of Jane’s career? Will the answers to these questions help solve other mysteries?
    Complicating an already difficult mission, Ardis finds herself increasingly attracted to the enigmatic Blake Lydon in spite of Jane’s warning. After Jane’s life work is destroyed by someone with malicious intent, Ardis diligently studies the hieroglyphics in the empty tomb to find answers. When she closes in on the mystery, she encounters danger.

    Will Ardis survive to complete the work Jane has entrusted to her?

  5. B.J. Hill

    A interesting book about the author’s travels to Egypt.

  6. Robert C Rettke

    Good story, good backdrop – The Egyptology and Egyptian history was interesting to me and there was plenty of mystery and suspects with enough information about most characters to make them believable. I particularly enjoyed the obnoxious reporter. … I’ll certainly try another book or two by the same authors.

  7. Jackie Henderson

    Good read for those interested in egyptian history, interesting story and very detailed about egyptian history. Worth the read if you like mysteries and egyptian history and treasure hunting

  8. Kateon

    Good plot, interesting subject, but would have benefited from a bit more research. I would recommend this book as an interesting read.

  9. Starrmark

    A good archeological romp this is not in the same league as Elizabeth Peters, but it good bathtub reading. Just what I needed while recovering from pneumonia. I am looking forward to following Addis and Blake as they seek connubial bliss among the ruins.

  10. retiree816

    Good mystery – Easy read. Fun for anyone who likes Egyptian archaeology. Takes several twists and turns. Makes you want to visit Luxor.

  11. Chris in NM

    If you love ancient Egypt… This is a modern mystery featuring an young archaeologist investigating her mentor’s death. The characters and premise are interesting. There was enough danger and intrigue to keep my attention, although the pacing could have been improved. (It seemed like nearly every paragraph was four or five lines long, giving the pace a steady feel regardless of the intensity of the action.) I enjoyed the romantic tension between the main character and a handsome but brusque and secretive Egyptologist, although I didn’t buy into how quickly they fell in love. Those who are interested in Egypt and/or archaeology will especially enjoy this.

  12. R.Lee Holz

    RecommendedThe Curse of Senmut is not a hard-edged thriller full of sex and violence. It is a well crafted and plotted mystery with a murder, a tomb, a curse and lots of exotic scenes and romance. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and recommend it to all who are looking for an entertaining read.

  13. Druidgirl

    Egyptian Wonder – Ardis Cole is summoned to Egypt by her teacher and mentor Jane Darvin.Jane is murdered as soon as Ardis arrives and she must take over the project. There are many mysterious happenings and people in this story. If you like love Egypt,archeology and mystery this is the series for you. I finished it in 2 days I could not put it down I can’t wait for the next book in the series.

  14. C.L. Exile

    Love Egypt, you’ll love this book Excellent mystery – The characters were great. Lots of suspects. Who to trust? Who to watch? hmmm If you love Egypt or ever wanted to visit there, this book will take you on a visual journey. Imagery created was top-notch. Ardis made a great heroine. I was with her every step, even when I thought we shouldn’t go. A must read. Hope the next book in the series goes Kindle.

  15. Barbara

    Traveling with Ardis Cole – This novel is one of a series featuring Ardis Cole, an archeologist whose adventures take her to remote corners of the world. This one is set in Egypt. As a mystery, it is well-plotted, and thrill seekers will not lack for suspenseful moments and near-death experiences on the part of the intrepid heroine. The book abounds in hidden tombs, passageways that can only be entered if their secret mechanisms can be deciphered from ancient documents, and villains who may be lurking just around the corner. The very curse of Senmut links the murder victim in the book to crimes committed centuries earlier and there remains the question of whether some kind of supernatural element transcends the aility of doctors and scientists to test for material causes of illness and death. There is even a love story in the book, but fortunately the authors subordinate it to the mysteries at the heart of the story. All in all, this is a well-written, intelligent books that supplies a good read and will keep the reader turning pages.

    Several elements in this novel supply additional interest that raises the lkevel of the book above the attempt to entertain the reader. Fitst, for readers for whom the names Nefertiti or Cleopatra are familiar, this book introduces the equally interesting but less well-known Queen Hatshepsut, a woman who became a pharaoh. She apparently had the temerity to fall in love with a commoner, Senmut, the architect who was planning her tomb, and he the audacity to love her. History suggests the two were murdered. Controversy over the possible slayings and the succeeding pharaoh who ordered it are woven into the plot. This historical background or legends associated with it are both educational and interesting. In addition, the Egypt to which Ardis Cole comes to aid the friend and teacher who is looking for Senmut’s tomb, comes alive, and any who have ever visited Egypt can compare the country described in the book to personal experiences and reactions, which draws the reader further into the story. Equally significant, the authors have captured the ambitions and frequent egotism that drives the Egyptologists who hunt for the past and for hidden or stolen treasures. The competitition among them, which involves glory and possible material gain, is described with psychological astuteness.

    The characters in this book are not only well-drawn but also supply ambiguities that keep the reader identifying with Ardis. Each of the men she meets with in the course of her sleuthing is both appealing and at the same time untrustworthy. What this means is that the reader is always, like Aris herself, trying to decide whether a villain hides behind a seemingly affable exterior. Not only whodunit but who is sinister and duplicitous involve mysteries the book must resolve.

    There is one slight element in the tale that may have been tongue-in-cheek signatures on the part of the sister-pair, Vickie Britton and Loretta Jackson, who co-authored this book and, at its writing, thirty-eight other novels. To collaborate in this way, they had to have long resolved or put away any sibling rivalrey that was once a part of their relationship, as it is with any sisters. They endow their heroine, Ardis, with some personal history that also invokes the themes of revenge and forgiveness found in the book. Ardis’s sister had in effect stolen away Ardis’s boyfriend and married him. There are few betrayals more telling than this one!

  16. IMK

    This is a great adventure and also has is a wonderful meeting of two unlikely people who find they share more than just an interest in unlocking history and finding a treasure. The story keeps you interested and as you read you might think you have it figured out but just wait you could be in for more surprises. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves to read adventure books and loves a good mystery. I found this book to have some interesting facts included into the story which I appreciated. So if you want to go for a faraway adventure then pick up this book and start. It covers unexpected love and friendships along the way. Just when you think you know what is going to happen next the story takes a turn. Just read it and find out for yourself you will see what I mean. I am ready for the next book in this series.

  17. Mystery Scene Magazine

    Editorial Review – Nice thrills and chills. The authors have obviously done their archeological homework, and in between all the mysterious goings-on, we learn fascinating of Hatshepsut’s stormy reign. The Egyptology is all there, and it’s enjoyable.

  18. Midwest Book Review

    Editorial Review – Loretta Jackson and Vickie Britton have effectively collaborated to present a series of superbly crafted and entertaining mystery adventures featuring Ardis Cole, an intelligent, fearless, and perservering young lady who finds herself in the midst of exciting and suspenseful mysteries set in a variety of different locales.

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