Dan G. Tripps

Why People Rule the Earth


Why People Rule the Earth: An African Folktale is an authentic African folktale in the oral tradition of the Baluba people who live along the River Lwembe in north-central Shaba, in the southern portion of The Democratic Republic of the Congo, formerly Zaire.

Book is also available through Amazon and BN or ask for it wherever books are sold. The ebook can be ordered through Amazon.



Why People Rule the Earth: An African Folktale

As told by Dan G. Tripps, PhD and illustrated by Natosha Martinez.

Long ago, when the earth was first beginning, the animals of the forest did not live together peacefully. The Great Spirit, anxious for harmony, called the animals to a meeting in the center of the forest. There, the animals learned one of the creatures of the forest would be chosen to rule the earth and bring peace to the land. To accomplish this, The Great Spirit devised a test. Atop an enormous pile of wood, The Great Spirit set a gourd. The one who could retrieve the gourd and find the key to life would become the ruler of the earth. The animals thought this to be a very simple test until, to their surprise, the pile of wood burst into flames. What happened to the animals as they tried to retrieve the gourd and the lessons they learned from their efforts are the story of Why People Rule the Earth!

Why People Rule the Earth: An African Folktale is an authentic tale in the oral tradition of the Baluba people who live along the River Lwembe in north-central Shaba, the south-central portion of the Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly Zaire. 

From 1971-1974, I worked in Zaire developing programs in sport. This tale is told by village griots who serve as historians and genealogists and who instruct village children in the folk wisdom of the tribe. Talking animals often inhabit these stories and humor helps to make clear some of the story’s profound truths.

Book is also available through Amazon and BN or ask for it wherever books are sold. The ebook can be ordered through Amazon.

About the Author

DAN G. TRIPPS is a retired healthcare practitioner, university professor, sport administrator and coach who has worked on projects with the International Olympic Committee, UNESCO, and the U.S. State Department among others. Through his books and public speaking, Dan shares inspirational stories and important lessons about life resulting from his work. Dan lives in the Pacific Northwest, having migrated north from his California beach city roots pursuing his professional career after academic life at the University of Southern California, San Francisco State University, Stanford University, and the University of Oregon.

Additional information


Dan G. Tripps


Natosha Martinez



Trim size

8.5 x 11

Page count



Juvenile Fiction / Indigenous / Oral Stories
Juvenile Fiction / Animals / General
Juvenile Fiction / Legends, Myths, Fables / African




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