Get ready to witness and unlock the first messages left from the ancient civilizations who vanished without even being known to exist until now!
These messages detail maps and sagas of a once worldly empire who traded in goods of unimaginable quantities from all over the American continent too far off lands. Detailed is symbology to understand the vast network of hidden caves, of ancient goods storage and transport routes. Of treasure and artifacts of great importance left in hidden locations throughout time awaiting rediscovery so the world may once again know of this magnificent empire 13,000 years ago.
Our early explorers quickly discovered they were not the first to conquer the farthest shores of earth. The modern man gazed upon ancient images and monuments of long ago pioneers already decaying from great age. We have all contemplated what secrets they kept locked in a maze of limitless configurations of beauty and synchronicity. Such industrious and indelible creations were certainly made to convey meaning. What connection does a global network of rock carvings and megastructures mean to our history? Well, the answer will surprise you!
Chris Hegg has dedicated his life to finding out these answers. He has moved beyond the stumbling decades of logging and failures of comprehension, to gain ever increasingly small victories in their understanding. Now at a fever pitch in symbol decipherment Chris has uncovered the most startling facts of individual symbol meanings that reveal amazing stories of courage, inhospitable lands, and global travel unimaginable when he first started this quest. A much deeper innate secret lay rooted in the symbols however; they were the first Universal Language of Man! Thought as just “rock art” by archeologists; petroglyphs, megaliths, and geoglyphs are all related comprising a single ancient language. This language is known in biblical stories and now confirmed by scientific methodology.
This book is dedicated to that first Universal Language. To be reborn so the secrets lost to us can be discovered once more. Finally a tool capable of peeling away the layers of our forgotten past to read firsthand accounts of the struggles of man on a global scale over 13,000 years ago! The stories are a tribute to our perseverance and domination in a harsh world conquered thousands of years before Columbus.
Book is also available through Amazon, and BN, or ask for it wherever books are sold.
Praise for Ancient Universal Language of Man
“Chris has done a good job of assembling in one location many of the recent maps and relevant research community publication commentaries on the Pleistocene lake levels in the western Great Basin and vicinity. Citing all sources, useful internet addresses are included. Where important to the discussion of the book, emphasis has been added for the purpose of highlighting where and when previous lake level high-stands have occurred. None of the material presented appears to be in conflict with current research. This material provides an excellent starting point to learn about the extent and interbasin connectivity provided by studies of the surface levels of water bodies in the last 30,000 years before present in western Nevada and southern California.” – Jesse Wellman, cpg, Geologist
“Chris is by far one of the most interesting and knowledgeable men I have ever met. From his earliest years, he would wander the mountains with prospectors, geologists, old desert rats, all on the eternal quest for gold or knowledge. His Grandfather would introduce him to Indians who lived a solitary existence, far from civilization, who would pass on stories learned from their ancestors. As you read this book open your mind. Let your imagination free. Check his facts, visit some museums and see the artifacts that back his theories. He draws an ancient world much different than you have read about before. Enjoy!” —Donald R. Dockrey, Captain, United States Marine Corps, Retired
“Before Babel, the Ancients spoke a universal language allowing for effective communication. The Utes spoke of all tribes once sharing the same language, and easily visiting one another by water until the water dried up and the tribes split, causing language to change and war to replace brotherhood. Chris Hegg unlocks the mysteries of the past via ancient drawings that show how those before us recorded the weather, trade routes, and their history. Ancient Universal Language of Man is deeply researched, with a plethora of knowledge and pictures used as reference points. For those having a background in or a deeper understanding of petroglyphs, this may be a great companion guide. For the beginner with little to no experience, this might be somewhat confusing. I enjoy history immensely and yet found this a tad too academic for my taste.” —Rebecca Katsikas, EVP & Director of Marketing, TopShelf Magazine
About the Author
Chris Hegg grew up in a town too tiny to list on maps but very rich in colorful people. Spending a childhood wandering the desert studying petroglyphs to pass time grew into a lifelong obsession to understand ancient man and nature.
Having a background in cryptology from the U.S. Air Force and geology mixed with stubborn determination proved instrumental in his capability to break the symbols of petroglyphs one by one. Uncovering the Ancient Universal Language compelled Chris to take the secrets he discovered and share them with mankind once more.
Chris has appeared on History’s Ancient Aliens and is a noted speaker. His research has been published in books and magazines. Chris is a regular contributor to EXPRESSIONS Magazine, the international e-journal of art, archaeology, and conceptual anthropology.
- Appeared on Expanded Perspectives that aired April 23, 2018. The interview begins at marker 23:08.
- Appeared on Beyond the Veil, Episode #513 that aired April 15, 2016.
For more information or to contact Chris Hegg, visit his website:
Chris’ Facebook page: ancientuniversallanguage
More about Chris… Married over twenty years to childhood friend Dede Hogg Rarick, they have three beautiful children Tyler, Dawson, and Pepper. Chris continues to drag family and friends in tow, bribed or otherwise, passionately sharing the hidden beauty of the desert and expanding his own knowledge. In 2015, the Hegg family launched the Hogg Product line that includes Hogg Heaven BBQ Sauce made without high fructose corn syrup.

Anonymous –
This book is packed with great information and amazing photos!!
Anonymous –
What a great book! Very interesting and informative. I love the pictures of the petroglyphs and the meanings behind them.
Cynthia Rowson –
Great book lots of information and makes you stop and think. I recommend this book.
Carla –
Passion, dedication & education on the wonders of Petroglyphs — Its very apparent this mans passion and determination. The book is laid out well for any interest with pictures to add to the details of such an ancient art and language. Went hiking in Utah and one canyon wall had been blocked off displaying these carvings. I so wanted to know their story. I could not help but try and make out the images of people, animals and symbols.
Crystal Dossett –
This book is awesome so much information in one book defiantly recommend for not just history buffs but for everyone.
Elizabeth Loney-Cline –
Comprehensive and Informative — I have seen petroglyphs from Idaho to Arizona and places in between, and have been struck by the similarities across the region. Mr. Hegg’s interpretations and explanations make perfect sense and help bring order to the perceived chaos of what some call “rock art”. With a plethora of photos and Mr. Hegg’s vast experience with the topic, this is a book I return to time and again to try to understand a recorded history of a bygone era.
Shawn Douglass –
Wonderful book. Well written and researched. Highly recommend if you are interested in history.
Rebecca Katsikas, EVP & Director of Marketing, TopShelf Magazine –
Editorial Review – Before Babel, the Ancients spoke a universal language allowing for effective communication. The Utes spoke of all tribes once sharing the same language, and easily visiting one another by water until the water dried up and the tribes split, causing language to change and war to replace brotherhood. Chris Hegg unlocks the mysteries of the past via ancient drawings that show how those before us recorded the weather, trade routes, and their history. Ancient Universal Language of Man is deeply researched, with a plethora of knowledge and pictures used as reference points. For those having a background in or a deeper understanding of petroglyphs, this may be a great companion guide. For the beginner with little to no experience, this might be somewhat confusing. I enjoy history immensely and yet found this a tad too academic for my taste.
Abe –
A Must Read For Every American. Very Enlightening. A book that provides us with so much amazing information about times long gone, put together by a guy that devoted countless hours of research, including god knows how many miles of hiking and offroading. Big Thanks to Mr. Hegg for doing all the leg work so that we can be enlightened and more importantly, entertained.
Even if you aren’t an avid hiker, explorer, back roader, treasure hunter, etc, this book will be a real eye opener and make you appreciate the people of old in a new light,, how they communicated, travelled, traded and lived. It will make you look at the land with a new appreciation and spark your imagination. And, in my case, next time I run across some glyphs, I might actually know what the heck I’m looking at.
Allen Lynn –
Excellent view – When it comes to petroglyphs I have always wondered what they mean, why they are where they are, and the significance of them all. This book should be on the shelf of any person wanting to understand the symbol meanings left for us to learn. The trade routes of the ancients and even geographical changes from then to now of the old lakes long gone. This book will be a great tool in unlocking the past to find clues on locating the treasures.
Don Zuhlke –
Fresh and New – I have studied petroglyphs for many years, yet still found this book insightful. Mr. Hegg povides fresh and new concepts that are sensible, reasonable, and fundamental. I honestly feel that Chris has opened a new doorway to the past that we were not aware of. After so many years devoted to understanding rock art, you can see the passion that he must have had to be driven to complete a project like this. I would strongly recommend this book to beginners and veterans alike to open your mind and your eyes.
Alicia Nobleon –
Ancient Universal Language of Man is ground breaking! Excellent material that challenges the status quo with respect to modern day findings. Why wouldn’t the ancients leave communications in places for others to find?
Marlene B. –
Great reading good information.
Karen B. –
Authoritative author that has done extensive research – I know this author personally. He’s done tons of research and has changed the way the World looks at petroglyphs and hieroglyphs.
Phil Harris –
Informative and Insightful, Great Read – This is a very comprehensive and informative book on the subject. Most everything I saw and read was all brand new information to me. While symbolism can seem very primitive and somewhat meaningless, understanding the deep encoded meaning in them can open up entirely new realms of thought. To me, this also helps to think about consciousness and how it differs in different areas, cultures, and time periods. And also that while some people may seem primitive in some areas, in other areas they are/were far more advanced spiritually and intuitively. Reading books like this also helps me to get into the minds of these early people, and to try and think of what their lives were like. The extra details the author adds to each section gives some good background on each photo, and he also provides personal insight into many other related mysteries along the way. Excellent book.
Anonymous –
I am so impressed with this book! Hegg has spent his entire life learning how to read the petroglyphs that he runs into. In doing this he has learned a lot about this unknown ancient world. In reading the book, I started to learn how to read them too! The pictures are very clear, informative, and enhance your learning to read petroglyphs. I believe everyone needs to read this book!! It will make you want to learn more!
Ken Brownon –
Anyone that is a back roader, or interested in petroglyphs, this should be on your must have list.
Anonymous –
I hope this won’t be the end… I have read the first few chapters and find this book very interesting! I believe Mr. Hegg is inspiring and has been blessed by God with the desire for learning and for teaching. I have always been interested in archeology and am fascinated by his discoveries. Pictures are great too!
Dawn Renae –
Amazing description and understanding of the glyphs – Bright, colorful photographs! Amazing description and understanding of the glyphs. I’m learning new things every day about the area I have grown up in, and the information in this book is more than I could have even possibly imagined about the area that I love.
Russellon –
Very awesome book! A must get.
Billie Williams III –
An amazing book – Loaded with reference pictures and clear explanations. The author is very knowledgeable about the subject and has a clear passion for it that comes through in his writing. This book is great for anyone interested in ancient language or just the casual outdoorsman.
Donald R. Dockrey, Captain, United States Marine Corps, Retired –
Chris is by far one of the most interesting and knowledgeable men I have ever met. From his earliest years he would wander the mountains with propectors, geologists, old desert rats, all on the eternal quest for gold or knowledge. His Grandfather would introduce him to Indians who lived a solitary existence, far from civilization, who would pass on stories learned from their ancestors. As you read this book open your mind. Let your imagination free. Check his facts, visit some museums and see the artifacts that back his theories. He draws an ancient world much different than you have read about before. Enjoy!
Jesse Wellman, cpg, Geologist –
Editorial Review – Chris has done a good job of assembling in one location many of the recent maps and relevant research community publication commentaries on the Pleistocene lake levels in the western Great Basin and vicinity. Citing all sources, useful internet addresses are included. Where important to the discussion of the book, emphasis has been added for the purpose of highlighting where and when previous lake level high-stands have occurred. None of the material presented appears to be in conflict with current research. This material provides an excellent starting point to learn about the extent and inter basin connectivity provided by studies of the surface levels of water bodies in the last 30,000 years before present in western Nevada and southern California.
Anonymous –
History never before portrayed – I have been reading Chris’s drafts from the very start to publication. I have been in the field with him as he found petroglifs and ancient sites and explained them to me. I have watched him decypher the ancient and more modern (few thousand years old) glifs. It’s like watching and hearing history unfold. This book lays out history as never before told. You will enjoy and be enlightened.